
Victor Kirillovich Zaretsky

Member of editorial board of “Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy” journal

Country, City Russia, Moscow
Academic degrees and titles PhD in Psychology,
Occupation and current place of work Professor, Chair of Individual and Group Psychotherapy, Faculty of Counseling and Clinical Psychology, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
E-mail address zar-viktor@yandex.ru
Scopus ID 57216493540
Main scientific publications
  1. Ways to solve the problem of orphanhood in Russia, 2002 (coauthor.).
  2. If the situation seems unsolvable... (1991, 2011).
  3. On two types of methodological tools (in the book.: "Eric G. Yudin"), 2010.
  4. Formation and essence of reflexive activity approach in counseling psychological and pedagogical assistance, 2013

Author page on PsyJournals.ru