Psychological Well-being of Specialists of Guardianship and Trusteeship Bodies



The article is prepared on the basis of the results of the final qualifying work and is devoted to the study of the specifics of the psychological well-being of specialists of the guardianship and guardianship authorities in relation to minors (OOIP), with different professional experience. The indicators of psychological well-being of specialists with the experience of removing a child from parents and those without such experience are compared. The results of a study of two social groups — specialists in the age groups up to 35 years and above 36 years are presented. In total, 105 specialists of the OIP participated in the study. The study was conducted using the following tools: author’s socio-demographic questionnaire, “Scale of psychological well-being” by K. Riff (in Russian adaptation), “Diagnosis of professional burnout” (in Russian adaptation), questionnaire of subjective economic well-being by V.A. Khashchenko. The interrelation of indicators of psychological well-being of OOIP specialists with their emotional burnout and subjective economic well-being is revealed. There are significant differences in the level of psychological well-being in the age groups: in the age group up to 36 years the level is lower compared to the norm, in the group over 36 years — above the norm. Emotional exhaustion and depersonalization of guardianship specialists who have experience in taking a child away from parents is significantly higher than that of specialists who do not have such experience. In the group over 36 years of age, specialists with selection experience have higher rates of reduction of personal achievements.

General Information

Keywords: guardianship authorities, minors, psychological well-being, emotional burnout, economic well-being

Journal rubric: Pedagogy and Psychology of Education

Article type: scientific article


Received: 04.11.2022


For citation: Popova E.P. Psychological Well-being of Specialists of Guardianship and Trusteeship Bodies [Elektronnyi resurs]. Sotsial’nye nauki i detstvo = Social Sciences and Childhood, 2022. Vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 68–78. DOI: 10.17759/ssc.2022030105. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Ekaterina P. Popova, Deputy Director General, ANO Social Projects Development Center, Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:



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