Extreme Psychology and Personal Safety

[Ekstremal'naya psikhologiya i bezopasnost' lichnosti]


The scientific significance of the journal is to cover a wide range of problems related to ensuring comprehensive safety of individuals and social groups in the changing world, to integrate researchers in the field of extreme psychology and psychology of personal safety.

The practical significance of the journal lies in theoretical, methodological, methodical and informational support of psychologists working in the field of ensuring safe behavior and human activity in various spheres, studying extreme conditions and states, engaged in the organization of emergency psychological assistance to people affected in situations of global risks.

The mission of the journal “Extreme Psychology and Personal Safety” is to do everything possible to promote the safety of individuals and social communities in extreme risks and situations of today’s dynamically transforming world.

The journal’s main goal is to promote quality psychological and interdisciplinary research on the issues of extreme psychology and safety psychology, taking into account the global challenges of our time.

The journal sets the following objectives:

  • participation in the formation of information environment reflecting extreme challenges and risks of modern society from the position of their psychological component;
  • participation in the creation of communicative space, providing a creative dialogue between domestic and foreign researchers in the field of psychology of safety of individuals and social communities, in the spheres of professional activity and under emergency circumstances;
  • provision of access of a wide range of readers to research and practice-oriented materials on emergency psychological assistance to persons who suffered in extreme situations;
  • informing readers about modern researches in the field of psychodynamics of extreme states and internal resources of personality, actualized in situations of threats and risks;
  • exchange of experience and innovative methodical developments in the field of extreme psychology and personal safety;
  • acquaintance of readers with psychological researches of service activity and professional formation of specialists working in high-risk professions.

Target Audience

The publication is addressed to psychologists-researchers, psychologists-practitioners, psychology teachers, as well as to all those who are interested in the issues of extreme psychology and safety psychology.