Extreme Psychology and Personal Safety

[Ekstremal'naya psikhologiya i bezopasnost' lichnosti]

Author Guide

The editorial board of the journal "Extreme Psychology and Personal Safety" published by the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State University of Psychology and Education" (hereinafter - MSUPE) accepts for publication original completed scientific analytical reviews of domestic and foreign literature. Articles should contain systematized information on the issues under consideration (objects, problems, areas of activity), their status, comparison of domestic and foreign experience, level and trends of development with a reasoned critical assessment, conclusions and recommendations.

The manuscripts publication guidance of Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (MSUPE) determines requirements to text layout, scientific assessment and preparation to publication of manuscripts and applies to publication of manuscripts in all journals published by MSUPE. The Guidance provides the opportunity to familiarize with the structure and content of published materials, as well as with the nature of their use.

Publications in the journal ‘Extreme Psychology and Personal Safety” are free for authors.

The editorial board accepts articles for publication via MSUPE online publishing system (OPS) (see instructions for submitting a manuscript to the journal).

The regulation of relations "Author - Editorial Board - Reviewer - Reader - Publisher" is built on the basis of ethical principles common to members of the psychological community and the rules of publication in international and domestic scientific periodicals in psychology and related disciplines, the rules of manuscript preparation of the publishing house of MSUPE, as well as modern norms of organization and conduct of scientific research.

Rules for indicating the author’s affiliation and the journal’s output data:

The following standard of indicating the title of the journal “Extreme Psychology and Personal Safety” is set for the publishing house of MSUPE:

Russian: Экстремальная психология и безопасность личности

English: Extreme Psychology and Personal Safety

Transliteration: Ekstremal'naya psikhologiya i bezopasnost' lichnosti

For the authors of journals of the publishing house of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of Moscow "Moscow State University of Psychology and Education" who are its employees, the following affiliation standard is established when indicating the organization:
Russian language

Full name: ФГБОУ ВО «Московский государственный психолого-педагогический университет» Abbreviated name: ФГБОУ ВО МГППУ

English language

Full name: Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
Abbreviated name: MSUPE
Transliteration: Federal'noe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe obrazovatel'noe uchrezhdenie vysshego obrazovaniya goroda Moskvy «Moskovskii gosudarstvennyi psikhologo-pedagogicheskii universitet»


Rules for submitting a manuscript to a journal:

The journals of the publishing house of MSUPE accept manuscripts not previously published in any printed or electronic editions. According to the requirements, the author has no right to propose the manuscript to other editions before the editorial board's decision on publication.

Articles are submitted to the editorial office in an electronic form.

If the text of the article together with the illustrations are made in the form of one file, it is necessary to provide files with illustrations additionally. The set of files should be accompanied by an inventory in the form of a file, which should include: the name of the journal, the title of the article, surname and initials of the author(s), the list of files.

This list of documents is mandatory. In case of absence of the documents listed below, the manuscript will not be considered by the Editorial Board: original text of the manuscript, appendices to the manuscript, author's questionnaire, author's photograph, manuscript recommendation, translation (for more details: Item 2.2. "Regulations for Preparation and Publication of Manuscripts of Scientific Periodicals. Reference Manual").

Rules for registration and review of a manuscript

  1. Checking the manuscript submitted by the author for compliance with the journal requirements.
  2. Registration of the manuscript in the editorial office.
  3. Checking the manuscript in the “Antiplagiat” system.
  4. Reviewing.
  5. Decision on the publication of the manuscript.
  6. Conclusion of a contract with the author.
  7. Pre-press preparation of the manuscript.

The manuscript should include the following sections: title, surname and initials of the author, information about the author, abstract, keywords, text of the article, list of references. Obligatory elements of review articles are the introduction, analytical part, conclusions.

The volume of the publication should correspond to the volume set by the Editorial Board of the journal (see Regulations). The size of the abstract should be from 1300 to 1500 characters (with spaces). The recommended length of the reference list is 25-35 points

For more details about all the above rules of design and preparation of the article, see the document: "List of requirements and conditions for the publication of manuscripts".

When submitting an article for consideration, it is necessary to fill in the author's questionnaire.