Journal Mission
To integrate specialists working in different domains of psychology and law, to discuss and to summarize their theoretical and practical experience, to define the perspectives of the science development.
To summarize national and international experience in the use of psychological knowledge and specific technologies in legally relevant professions and to apply it into different kinds of social practice.
To formulate problems and questions in the domains of psychology and law and to promote the development of the new areas of psychology and forensic sciences.
To give coverage to the last advances in research of methodological and theoretical foundations of juridical psychology, to work out methods and technologies of theoretical and applied research, to adapt methods and techniques of other sciences including other fields of psychology for the purposes of juridical psychology.
To provide with special psychological knowledge, methodological and methodical development of legally relevant practice (forensic psychological examination, forensic and investigative activities, correctional and rehabilitation work in prisons, counseling and professional selection in the legal profession and others).
To give coverage to the research on efficacy of use of psychological methods, tools psychotechnologies in law enforcement agencies and in professional activity of juridical psychologist.
Subjects of the Journal
According to the list of branches of science and groups of specializations of researchers in accordance with the range of specializations, the "Psychological Science and Education" journal publishes articles on the following topics (passports of scientific specializations):
5.3.9 Legal and security psychology (psychological sciences)