Cultural-Historical Psychology

[Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya]
WoS Scopus


The scientific significance of the journal lies in the development of the tradition of cultural-historical psychology in the context of world psychological science, in the consolidation of intellectual forces in the professional community, and promotion of discussions about philosophical, methodological, research, and methodological problems of modern cultural-historical, activity, and sociocultural psychology.

The practical significance of the journal is to provide Russian psychologists, methodologists, historians of science, philosophers with versatile and comprehensive professional methodological and theoretical materials in cultural-historical and activity psychology, both in Russia and abroad.

Aims of the journal

  • Consolidation of intellectual forces of the scientific and professional community in our country and abroad around the studying, preserving and creative development of the heritage of cultural-historical psychology. Among its founders were outstanding psychologists W. Wundt, L. S. Vygotsky, H. Werner, J. Piaget and others.
  • To provide foreign psychologists with full professional methodological, theoretical and methodological information in the area of cultural-historical psychology.
  • To stimulate creative young researchers to develop fundamental science and apply cultural-historical psychology in practice.
  • Providing practising professionals with relevant, useful and easy-to-understand information on the possibilities of applying the ideas and methods of cultural-historical psychology in various fields of psychology, pedagogy and social life.
  • Facilitating interdisciplinary, international cooperation and intellectual exchange in the multidisciplinary field of cultural-historical psychology.

Journal’s scope(according to the list of scientific branches):

  • 5.3.1. – General Psychology, Personality Psychology, History of Psychology (Psychological Sciences).
  • 5.3.4. – Educational Psychology, Psychodiagnostics of Digital Educational Environments (Psychological Sciences).
  • 5.12.1.  Interdisciplinary Studies of Cognitive Processes (Psychological Sciences).

  • 5.12.1.  Interdisciplinary Studies of Cognitive Processes (Philosophical Sciences).

  • 5.3.6. – Medical Psychology (psychological sciences).