
Alexander Fedorovich Bondarenko

Country, City Ukraine, Kyiv
Academic degrees and titles Doctor of Psychology,
Honorary degrees Honored Worker of Education
Occupation and current place of work The Head of the Psychology Chair, Kiev National Linguistic University
E-mail address albond@ukrpack.net
Website or personal webpage https://www.prof-bondarenko.kiev.ua/
Main scientific publications

Bondarenko A. F. Intent-analysis of Russian and American psychotherapeutic discourse / / electronic scientific journal "Medical psychology in Russia". - 2013. - N 3 (20). http://www.mprj.ru/archiv_global/2013_3_20/nomer/nome..

Bondarenko A. F. Methods of assessment and forecasting

psychological development of situations of interpersonal interaction / / Journal of practicing psychologist, 2010, vol.17.


Bondarenko A. F. The Language.Culture.Psychotherapy: collection of scientific articles / / A. F. Bondarenko-K.: Department, 2012.- 416c.

Author page on PsyJournals.ru