Editor's Choice

Cultural-Historical Psychology: Traditions and Innovations
School of D.B.Elkonin - V.V.Davydov: from Research History to Research Perspectives

The article is an introdution to the project A Model of a Modern School Based on the System of Developmental Education of D.B.Elkonin—V.V.Davydov It was presented to the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Education in 2013. Based on more than half a century experience in the development and implementation of a developmental learning system in the practice of experimental Moscow school 91, the authors prove the relevance of the project in solving the basic problems of modern education. The orientation of the developmental learning system on the principles of activity theory provides an opportunity to achieve high meta-subject results. 

Cultural-Historical Psychology: Traditions and Innovations
Development and Learning in the Context of Social Interactions: L. Vygotsky vs J. Piaget

The article is devoted to the problem of contemporary didactics, touching upon the issue of the structure, transmission and acquisition of knowledge.The focus is on understanding the correlation between the content of knowledge and the way it is translated (transmitted) from one person to another, from an adult to a child. We analyze the initial, joint-distributed form of activity that is specific for efficient teaching of children.

Educational Psychology
Tolerance to Uncertainty and Superstition as Personal Resources for Solving Social Problems by Students

The phenomena of tolerance/intolerance to uncertainty and belief in the paranormal as personal resources for solving social problems by students were examined. The relevance of the topic is due to an attempt to identify the necessary personal determinants that help to effectively cope with life difficulties in the face of the uncertainty and multitasking in the modern world. Hypotheses about the inverse correlation between tolerance to uncertainty and superstition, as well as the direct correlation between tolerance and a rational style and positive orientation, belief in the paranormal with a negative orientation, an avoidant and impulsive style of solving social problems have been put forward. The results of an empirical study conducted among university students studying at the social science, humanities and medical faculties are presented (N=252), aged 18 to 21 years.

Educational Psychology
The Interrelation between Initiative in Play and Dialectical Thinking in Preschool Age

In the article play is considered as a space for the development of creative (dialectical) thinking in preschool age. The aim of the study is to analyze the relationship between the success of children in solving creative (dialectical) tasks and initiative in spontaneous play. The study involved 57 preschoolers from 2 preschool groups, contrasting in the quality of the educational environment. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the initiative in play was carried out using an observation tool developed on the basis of the methodology of E.O. Smirnova. A total of 14 videos of a joint play were analyzed. “What can be simultaneously at the same time”, “Dialectical stories”, “Three stories” were used to measure the level of creative (dialectical) thinking. Qualitative analysis made it possible to distinguish two types of initiative actions – maintaining and changing the course of play. The study revealed the correlation between creative thinking in children’s narratives and play-changing initiative. The study points to the value of play as an activity where the child can not only solve, but also set tasks.