
Emond Georgievich Eidemiller

Country, City Russia, St.Petersburg
Academic degrees and titles Doctor of Medicine,
Occupation and current place of work Professor, Head of the Department of Child Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Medical Psychology, Pediatric Faculty, North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov
E-mail address eidemiller_mapo@mail.ru
Website or personal webpage http://www.psy.spbu.ru/eidemiller-eg
Main scientific publications

Eidemiller E. G., Dobryakov I. V., Nikolskaya I. M. Family diagnosis and family psychotherapy. Ed. 3rd-SPb.: Speech, 2007. - 352 p. Eidemiller E. G., Justickis V. Psychology and psychotherapy of family. 4th ed. – SPb.: Peter, 2008. – 672 p. Eidemiller E. G. (ed.) practicum on family psychotherapy. Modern models and methods. Ed. 2nd-SPb.: Speech, 2010. - 452 p. Alexandrova N. V., Gorodnova M. Yu., Eidemiller E. G. Modern models of psychotherapy in HIV / AIDS. – SPb.: Speech, 2010. - 191 p.

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