Psychological help: on the side of social reforms or on the side of social control? Contemporaneous critical social work abroad



This article presents a brief review of critical social work, the branch of social work that emphasizes the interaction of personal agency of the individual(s) with various social, economic and political factors. There is mentioned the necessity for "critical psychology" that would inform individual and family counselling and group work within critical social work; the main professional skills of a critical social worker are listed, including the need for building reflexive practice to overcome "internalised domination". Special attention is paid to critical approaches to work in the situations of grief and loss

General Information

Keywords: critical social work, critical theory, reflexive practice, internalised domination, internalised oppression, postmodernism, power, privilege, agency, grief, loss

Journal rubric: Therapevtic Community

For citation: Kutuzova D.A. Psychological help: on the side of social reforms or on the side of social control? Contemporaneous critical social work abroad. Konsul'tativnaya psikhologiya i psikhoterapiya = Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy, 2009. Vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 166–187. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Darya A. Kutuzova, PhD in Psychology, Нарративный консультант, methodologist at Dulwich Center (Australia). Editor of the journal "Postnon-classical psychology", Australia, e-mail:



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