EEG maturation in children in different social groups. Anxiety level and EEG indexes



The aim of this research was to study EEG maturation in children in different social groups (O – orphans, C – control). In this article we present results of spectral power density (SPD) of EEG rhythms in age groups (O – 2 groups, C – 4 groups). According to the literature, the main direction of changes of the EEG rhythms in ontogenesis is a decline in the slow oscillations and enhance in the fast oscillations. We predicted that EEG maturation would be different in two groups. As we have expected our results showed that the slow frequency SPD was higher in O group in comparison to C group in the same age. No significant differences in the fast frequency were found. In addition, we revealed the high level of anxiety in 11–12 years-old orphans group which was reflected in the Alpha/Delta index.

General Information

Keywords: EEG rhythms, systemоgenesis, age, anxiety

Journal rubric: Psychophysiology

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Kustubaeva A.M. EEG maturation in children in different social groups. Anxiety level and EEG indexes. Eksperimental'naâ psihologiâ = Experimental Psychology (Russia), 2012. Vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 5–20. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Al'mira M. Kustubaeva, Candidate Sci. in Biology, Associate Professor, Kazakh National University, e-mail:



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