The Top 10 Educational Psychology Researchers: Survey

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The «Psychological Science and Education» Journal’s Editorial Board conducts a survey among authors, experts and readers in order to identify the most authoritative, interesting, significant modern authors of scientific publications in the psychology of education.

The editorial board of the journal invites everyone to make their own TOP-10 researchers in the field of educational psychology.

Share with the professional community which of the modern authors of scientific publications do you consider the most authoritative, interesting, significant and on what topics?

The survey will run from February 15, 2021 to March 15, 2021.

After the end of the survey, each of the participants will receive full information about all the candidates who entered the readers' TOP-10 and will be the first to know who is among the ten most interesting authors in educational psychology.

Further, information about all the authors of scientific publications proposed by the respondents will be additionally expanded with objective information about their publication activity and the TOP 10 authors most frequently mentioned by the respondents will be published on the pages of the portal

To participate in the survey for each of the applicants for entering the rating, it is enough to indicate: the name of the researcher and the topic of his research, reflected in significant publications (it is possible to provide a link to the most significant work).

You can take part in drawing up your TOP-10 by following the link
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