A New Approach to Assessing the Complexity of Learning Tasks
The article considers approaches to assessing the complexity and difficulty indicators of training tasks of an adaptive simulator for career counseling. The authors introduce the concept of "real difficulty index of the task", which is an integral indicator of objective complexity and subjective difficulty of training tasks. Three levels of complexity in accordance with the stages of career counseling and their content filling with certain topics and concepts were also defined. It is shown that in the adaptive simulator the tasks of different levels of complexity partially overlap, providing a smooth individual transition to increasingly complex tasks. This approach allows us to objectively assess the complexity of tasks and provide a gradual increase in difficulty when students pass the simulator.
General Information
Keywords: computer adaptive simulator, career counseling, training task, statistical difficulty, difficulty level
Publication rubric: Modeling and Data Analysis for Digital Education
Article type: theses
Funding. The research was carried out with the financial support of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education of Russia) within the framework of the scientific project № 073-00038-23-02 from 13.02.2023.
For citation: Ermakov S.S., Savenkov E.A., Katyshev D.A. A New Approach to Assessing the Complexity of Learning Tasks. Digital Humanities and Technology in Education (DHTE 2023),, pp. 549–561.
Information About the Authors
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