
Vasily Alexandrovich Lefterov

Country, City Ukraine, Odessa
Academic degrees and titles Doctor of Psychology,
Occupation and current place of work head of the Department of sociology and psychology, National University "Odessa law Academy"
E-mail address lefteros@rambler.ru
Main scientific publications

1. A typical training program Communication - Stress - Safety of p. O. W.'s should V. A. (http://www.twirpx.com/file/218676/)

2. Methodological and practical recommendations for the organization and conduct of training Communication-Stress-Safety Lefterov VA, Litvinova GA, Kovalchishina Ni, Koshkin ia (http://www.twirpx.com/file/219953/);

3. Psychology of effective head of ATS: Scientific and practical manual /V. N. Beschastny, V. A. Lefterov, G. A. Litvinova (http://law.edu.ru/book/book.asp?bookID=1366253);

Author page on PsyJournals.ru