
Tatiana Sergeevna Nikandrova

Member of editorial board of “Autism and Developmental Disorders” journal

Country, City Russia, Moscow
Academic degrees and titles PhD in Education, associate professor
Occupation and current place of work Head of the Department of Oligophrenopedagogy and Special Psychology, Moscow Pedagogical State University
E-mail address ts.nikandrova@mpgu.su
Website or personal webpage http://mpgu.su/staff/nikandrova-tatyana-sergeevna/
Main scientific publications
  1. Nikandrova T.S. et al. Development of the foundations of social activity in children with mental retardation in conditions of additional education // International research journal. 2021. No. 7-4 (109). S. 121-127.
  2. Nikandrova T.S. Life difficulties of students with disabilities in conditions of self-isolation (limited mobility) // Monograph: An Actual Look at Nature and Ways to Overcome Life Difficulties. Moscow: Sputnik, 2021.311 p.
  3. Nikandrova T.S. Psychological and pedagogical research of coping with stress of parents raising children with disabilities / Problems and achievements of modern stressology (monograph); under total. ed. A.S. Ogneva. - M .: "Sputnik +", 2020. С.138-157
  4. Nikandrova T.S., Nurlygayanov I.N. Features of the motivational sphere of applicants - future bachelors and masters of special (defectological) education //
    Defectology. 2019.No. 2.P. 72-78.
  5. Nikandrova T.S., Gorokhova M.S. Social partnership in the rehabilitation of orphans with severe multiple developmental disabilities // Auditorium. 2019. No. 2 (22). S. 58-61.