Anna Vyacheslavovna Shmeleva

Member of editorial board of “Language and Text” journal

Academic degrees and titles PhD in Philology,
Occupation and current place of work Head of the Department of Methods of Teaching Russian Language and Literature, Moscow State Regional University
Scopus ID 57221203300
Main scientific publications

Vititnev S.F. , Shmeleva A.V. Evolution and ideological socio-political // Bulletin of views of the Moscow peculiarities f.m. Dostoevsky State Regional University. Series: History and political sciences, 2021. No. 3. pp.45-58. Vititnev S.F. , Shmeleva A.V. Greco - Byzantine influence in the history of national education : from monastic schools to the Slavic - Greek - Russian Academy / In the collection : Spiritual heritage of Byzantium and Athos in the history and culture of Russia . Collection of scientific papers . 2019. P.34-44. Shmeleva A.V. of a person ":" Self-sufficiency Philosophical and anthropological reflections of A.S. Pushkin / In the collection: Education in the XXI century: traditions and innovations. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, 2018. P.342-348 Shmeleva A.V. “The Devotee of a Great Idea >>: Konstantin Pobedonostsev about Ivan Aksakov // In the collection: Russian language of intercultural communication: In Slavic HISTORY modernity. Collection of scientific papers . 2016 . pp.156-160. Shmeleva A.V. "Heavenly Earthly Witness". About the poetry of A.S. Pushkin in the 1830s // Bulletin of the Literary Institute named after A.M. Gorky, 2007 No.1. C.59-64.