Vladimir Alexandrovich Kornev

Member of editorial council of “Language and Text” journal

Academic degrees and titles PhD in Philology,
Occupation and current place of work Lecture, Voronezh State Medical University
E-mail address vkornev@yandex.ru
Main scientific publications

●      Kornev V.A., Dedova O.M., Katelina L.S. Stereotypes of speech behavior in English and Russian. Monograph / Beau Bassin, 2020.

●      Kornev V.A., Katelina L.S., Dedova O.M. Comparative analysis of impersonal sentences in Russian and Spanish // Global Scientific Potential. 2019. No. 5 (98). pp. 14-17.

●      Kornev V.A., Dedova O.M. Russian as a foreign language for medical students. – Moscow, 2021. – 376 p.

For electronic references, see elibrary – RSCI;

●      Kornev, V. A. The Russian language in the speech aspect : a textbook for foreign students. — Moscow : AI Pi Ar Media, 2021. – 412 p. – Text : electronic // Electronic library system IPR BOOKS : [website]. — URL: https://www.iprbookshop.ru/110123.html

Etc (more than 200 publications in total).

Author page on PsyJournals.ru