Pre-experiential readiness for language acquisition and initiation into culture


The article deals with the clauses or preconditions of language and culture acquisition. Following G.G. Shpet, A.A. Uchtomsky, M. Heidegger, N.A. Bernshtein and V.V. Bibikhin, the author qualifies them as “pre-experiential origin”. This “origin” is regarded as direct intelligible intuition, spiritual integral, non-differentiated unity: I understand, I think, I can. Spontaneous character of this origin does not mean its primitiveness. Non-mediated pre-experiential origin develops in its differentiation that comes to life in joint activity, in interflowing communication giving birth to multiple forms of culture-mediated behavior. Development of these forms hampers perception and understanding of the world in its immediacy but also enriches these acts. Interchange and interaction of the immediate and the mediated is regarded as a necessary condition of human development and productive activity. The author questions the idea of division psychological functions into natural and cultural (higher), assumed in cultural-historical psychology.

General Information

Keywords: intelligible, sensual and intellectual intuition, natural and cultural psychological functions, immediacy and mediation

Journal rubric: Theory and Methodology

For citation: Zinchenko V.P. Pre-experiential readiness for language acquisition and initiation into culture. Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya = Cultural-Historical Psychology, 2010. Vol. 6, no. 1 (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Vladimir P. Zinchenko, Doctor of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences (PI RAS), Moscow, Russia



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