The Diagnostic of the Deviant Development of Primary School Aged Children Being Ill With Diabetes Mellitus



The objective of this project is the study of the emotional sphere and behavior of primary school aged children ill with diabetes mellitus, the revelation of deviations and as a consequence difficulties in socio-psychological adaptation. The research was conducted on the basis of the children's department of Endocrinological Center RAMN and Moscow children's city polyclinic № 12. There were 93 people aged 7 to 11 taking part in it. Investigation hypothesis: primary school aged children ill with diabetes mellitus have certain features in their emotional sphere and behavior via healthy peers, which influence the socio-psychological adaptation. The findings (p ≤0,01) allow us to refer the children with diabetes mellitus to the risk group of deviation in personality development and disadaptation. The diagnosis of emotional and behavioral abnormalities as well as the prerequisites of their development will make it possible for timely psychological adjustments and for prevention of the deviant development of a child's individuality with diabetes mellitus.

General Information

Keywords: diabetes mellitus, deviant development, socio-psychological adaptation, emotional sphere, behavior, risk group, psychological trouble, disadaptation.

Journal rubric: Psychological Tools

For citation: Vovnenko K.B. The Diagnostic of the Deviant Development of Primary School Aged Children Being Ill With Diabetes Mellitus [Elektronnyi resurs]. Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie [Psychological Science and Education], 2009. Vol. 1, no. 4 (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Ksenia B. Vovnenko, PhD in Psychology, Defectologist, Educational center № 1406, Russia, e-mail:



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