Social Psychology and Society
2019. Vol. 10, no. 3, 5–18
ISSN: 2221-1527 / 2311-7052 (online)
S. Milgram’s experiment through the lens of historical psychology
General Information
Keywords: historical psychology, S. Milgram’s experiment, obedience, suggestion, auditory hallucinations, bicameral mind
Journal rubric: Theoretical Research
Article type: scientific article
For citation: Pavlenko V.N. S. Milgram’s experiment through the lens of historical psychology . Sotsial'naya psikhologiya i obshchestvo = Social Psychology and Society, 2019. Vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 5–18. DOI: 10.17759/sps.2019100301. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)
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