Psychological Science and Education: On the 90th Anniversary of the Birth of V.V. Davydov, Founder of the System of Developmental Learning

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In 2020 the scientific community celebrates the 90th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding researcher, the founder of the system of developmental learning, member of the Russian Academy of Education, professor Vasily V. Davydov.

To celebrate this occasion, the journal Psychological Science and Education has published two thematic issues under the title “V.V. Davydov’s Scientific School: Traditions and Innovations” (#4-2020 and #5-2020) which  explore the current state and future research perspectives of V.V. Davydov’s scientific school

The new issues were presented at by their editor, president of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, member of the Russian Academy of Education, professor Vitaly Rubtsov.

The materials published in the thematic issues give an insight into various research works carried out by Davydov’s closest disciples and followers. The papers were submitted by researchers from 7 countries and 13 universities and research institutions.

As V.V. Rubtsov explains, the foundation of Davydov’s scientific school is comprised of three main areas: the theory of generalization and concept development, the psychological theory of learning activity, and the system of developmental learning. Each of these areas represents an independent research field, but it is in their unity that the true nature of Davydov as a great theorist and thinker is revealed.

The thematic issues of the journal present a series of research works in all of the three areas. The readers can discover how, from the standpoint of Davydov’s scientific school, to develop imagination and the ability to define practical problems; how to create an educational environment in line with the concept of a ‘cultural-historical’ school; what are the latest trends and challenges within the practices of developmental learning.

“I am sure that these two issues are a great luck for our Russian educational sciences to which Vasily Davydov, a wonderful Russian researcher, made a huge contribution,” said professor Rubtsov.

The problems explored in the issues will also be in the focus of an online International Conference “V.V. Davydov’s Scientific School: Traditions and Innovations” held by the Russian Educational Research Association, the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education and the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education on September 21-24, 2020.

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More information on the International Conference “V.V. Davydov’s Scientific School: Traditions and Innovations”:

Our journal Psychological Science and Education
Issue 2020 no. 4:
Issue 2020 no. 5:

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