Call for Papers. Digitalization of Childhood: Development, Learning and Socialization

We welcome contributors to a special section of the journal Psychological Science and Education, “Digitalization of Childhood: Development, Learning and Socialization”.
This section focuses on recent research in digitalization and, particularly, on such issues as: the use of gadgets and digital content in children of different age; communication and self-presentation in virtual environment; specifics of technology-based learning. We accept empirical and analytical papers in Russian and English with a focus on various aspects of digitalization of modern childhood. The topical editor of the section is Olga V. Rubtsova, PhD in Psychology, Head of the Center for Multidisciplinary Research of Contemporary Childhood (MSUPE).
Psychological Science and Education is an open access journal indexed in Scopus and Web of Science Core Collection (ESCI). The journal was ranked Q3 in the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) within Education category. It is also #1 in the Russian Science Citation Index (SI, Psychology) and is recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
We do not charge any submission or publication fees. Upon prior arrangement papers can be translated into Russian/English.
The deadline for papers submitted to “Digitalization of Childhood: Development, Learning and Socialization” section is July 15, 2021. Please send your manuscripts to pno @ We are happy to answer any questions, feel free to contact us: