Psychological Science and Education journal is now ranked Q3 in Scopus (SJR)

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In May 2021 the journal Psychological Science and Education published by the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education was ranked Q3 in the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR)  within Education category. SJR measures the scientific influence of scholarly periodicals indexed in Scopus database. This rank is based on  Google PageRank algorithm which takes into consideration a journal's subject area, quality and reputation as factors affecting the weighting and importance of quotation.

A total number of 13 Russian journals joined the SJR Education rating; Psychological Science and Education occupies the sixth place. The SJR Psychology rating includes 14 Russian journals, with Psychological Science and Education in the fifth place.

Psychological Science and Education was included in Scopus in 2020 and has entered the SCImago Journal Rank for the first time. Earlier this year another MSUPE journal, Cultural-Historical Psychology, was ranked Q3 in the SJR: Our congratulations to the editorial office of the Psychological Science and Education journal!

Read more about Russian journals in psychology and education indexed in Scopus in the ‘Scientometrics’ section at
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