Research on Ideas about the Future, Childrens' Disaffection with Learning and Psychological Well-being in the New Issue of the Journal Psychological Science and Education

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The third issue of the journal Psychological Science and Education (No.3, 2003) has been released. The issue opens with an article Socio-psychological Predictors for Integration of Indigenous Youth of the North, Siberia and the Far East of Russia into City Colleges.

Other studies analyze the academic motivation and disaffection with learning influence the choice of educational trajectories among ninth-graders in urban and rural areas. The authors draw attention to the fact that the existing studies of educational orientations focus primarily on analyses of such factors as family, socio-economic status and place of residence, but the psychological patterns are studied much less.

Here you will find the results of the study of the relationship between the students' self-regulation and different types of academic motivation and the peer review of inclusive practices. This approach has been developed at the Institute for Problems of Inclusive Education of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education. The research of Russian scientists is combined with the methods described in the works of foreign authors.

The section Developmental Psychology opens with a study on age-related differences in perceptions of the future. The data obtained make it possible to say that the formation of the image of the future depends on age. The second article examined the impact of  Malaysia’s Movement Control Order (MCO) on children’s academic performance and parental involvement in the study process and the differences in academic performance before and during the MCO.

The last article describes the features of the psychological well-being of preschool educators in the Russian Federation. The study involved 2,135 preschool educators from 79 regions of 8 federal districts in the Russian Federation. The main goal of the study is to identify the relationship between the level of education of educators, their place of residence, and their level of well-being.

The full issue of the journal is available freely on portal of psychological issues
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