Face Science Is a Current Thematic Column in the New Issue of the Journal “Experimental Psychology (Russia)”

A new issue of the journal “Experimental Psychology (Russia)” has been published (No. 3, 2023). The issue opens with congratulations on the anniversary from the editors of the journal of our dear colleague V.V. Selivanov, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of the Department of General Psychology, Moscow State University of Psychology & Education.
The first column in the new issue is the already traditional for our publication, but still relevant thematic column “Face Science”, presented this time with four new materials. The article by the authors Butovskaya M.L., Rostovtseva V.V., Mezentseva A.A., Mabulla A. describes an experimental study that investigating an association between facial morphology and individual psychological characteristic using the example of representatives of the Maasai tribe. In the next article, the author Labunskaya V.A. studies the structures of the relationship between self-esteem of appearance and subjective well-being. The work of the authors Vorontsova T.A., Artamonova A.G. aims to identify the features of constructing the age of an unfamiliar person based on the perception of his face and physique. The last article in the column by the authors Zhegallo A.V., Basyul I.A. performed in the paradigm of analyzing the structure of erroneous responses when performing the identification of emotional facial expressions.
The column “Psychology of Perception” has also been updated with two new materials. Authors Bondarko V.M., Solnushkin S.D., Chikhman V.N. in their article presents psychophysical experiments to study perception mechanisms of images that are elements of building projections in ancient and classical architecture. The authors of the second article in the column Romanova-Afrikantova N.I., Karpinskaya V.Yu., Lyakhovetsky V.A. conducted a comparative study of the strength of the Ponzo and Müller-Lyer illusions in preschool children, primary school children and adults.
In the column “Cognitive Psychology” you can get acquainted with two new works. The article by the authors Agafonov A.Yu., Zolotukhina A.A., Kryukova A.P., Burmistrova S.N. presents an analysis of the effect of context in cognitive activity. The authors of the second article Sapronov F.A., Makarov I.M., Gorbunova E.S. studies the effect of the role of category on the time of identification of a target stimulus in a hybrid search task.
The next column “Psychology of States” is presented by three new materials. Article by authors Prokhorov A.O., Kartasheva M.I., Yusupov M.G. is devoted to the study of the “Self” system’s role in the mental state’s self-regulation of students in various situations of educational activity. The article by the authors Doronina T.V., Okulova A.E., Maksudova E.A., Penkina M.Yu. studies the characteristics of the emotional state of doctors working and not working with patients with Covid-19 in the context of their individual psychological differences. The article by Bogoslovskaya (Vyskokil) N.A. represents a description of the results of an empirical study of the characteristics of the perception of acoustic events by Tuvans living in different regions of the Republic of Tyva.
The issue ends with the traditional column for our journal “Psychodiagnostics”, which has been supplemented with two new studies. In the article by the authors Ermakov S.S., Savenkov E.A., Shepeleva E.A. discusses the advantages and prospects for implementing a computerized adaptive approach in problems of psychological diagnostics and training. The article by the author Ozhiganova G.V. presents the results of the development and validation of a new questionnaire “Spiritual Orientation of a Personality”, the theoretical basis of which is the theory of spiritual capacities proposed by the author.