On the Psychology of Cinema in the Journal “Cultural-Historical Psychology”

The fourth issue of the journal “Cultural-Historical Psychology” (no. 4-2023) has been published. There are five columns in the issue: “Psychology of Art”, “Theory and Methodology”, “Educational Psychology”, “Developmental Psychology” and “Discussions and Discourses”.
The first section offers an overview of research in psychology of cinema.
The second section presents materials analyzing the constructive function of dreams and paradoxes in the development of mathematical thinking from a cultural-historical perspective.
Under the heading “Psychology of Education” one can learn about the peculiarities of the cultural-historical approach to preschoolers’ dance creativity and get an insight into developmental learning.
The rubric “Developmental Psychology” analyzes the personal characteristics of students-actors of different generations; the connection between cultural values and attitudes towards the elderly in China; approaches to understanding interaction with nature.
The last section is devoted to analyzing personality syndromes in the light of the historical crisis in psychology.
The issue ends with the rubric “Memorable Dates”, dedicated to V.I. Lubovsky’s 100th anniversary and reminiscences of Boris Daniilovich Elkonin, who passed away.