Educational Outcome Assessment and Development of Research Skills in Schoolchildren in the New Issue of the “Cultural-Historical Psychology” Journal

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The next issue of the journal “Cultural-Historical Psychology” (No. 4-2024) has been published. In this issue, you will find our traditional sections: Educational Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Theory and Methodology, and History of Science.

In the Educational Psychology section, you will discover factors contributing to academic success, as well as developmental diagnostics within the evaluation system for young schoolchildren's educational outcomes. Additionally, new methods for fostering research skills in schoolchildren, enhancing text comprehension, and engaging with art documentaries will be discussed.

The Developmental Psychology section presents research findings on preschoolers' attitudes toward cartoon characters, strategies for parents to support children's well-being in family-based education, and key concepts of the modern sociocultural system from the perspective of bifurcation theory.

The Theory and Methodology section provides an analysis of giftedness and addresses the related issue of using imitation games in teaching students in the historical faculty.

Finally, the History of Science section offers an examination of A.V. Bakushinsky's psycho-aesthetic concept and explores the work of A.V. Suvorov, the world's only deaf-blind psychologist, teacher, philosopher, and poet.

The full issue of the journal is available for free at
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