The journal "Extreme Psychology and Personal Security" invites authors to participate in a thematic issue on modern challenges of psychological security

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The editorial board of the journal "Extreme Psychology and Personal Security" invites experts to participate in the preparation of the thematic issue "Modern challenges of psychological security of personality", scheduled for publication in June 2025. This issue is devoted to an urgent problem of modern society – the search for theoretical foundations, resources, methods and technologies to ensure the psychological security of the individual. As part of the issue, it is planned to review the achievements of domestic and foreign psychology in this scientific field, analyze the results of applied and empirical research on problems related to identifying types of threats to personal psychological security in difficult life and extreme situations, and propose measures to prevent them.

The issue will also present the results of the study "Physical education in virtual reality as a factor in improving the individual and personal safety of students with disabilities", which was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation, project No. 25-28-01251.

The purpose of the issue is to present various approaches of Russian researchers to understanding the problem of psychological security of the individual, the specifics of using diagnostic tools to identify maladaptive mental states, strategies and methods of providing targeted psychological assistance to victims and specialists of extreme profile. The issue's thematic editor is Anna Viktorovna Litvinova.

The editorial board of the journal Extreme Psychology and Personal Security invites all interested parties to take an active part in the preparation of the thematic issue and share the results of their research in this field. The materials must be provided with a note: for the thematic issue "Modern challenges of psychological security of the individual."

The release date is June 30, 2025.

The deadline for submitting materials is April 15, 2025.

Requirements for the design of the manuscript:

Language of publications: Russian and English.

Volume: up to 30,000 characters (with spaces) of a Russian-language text with a list of references or an English-language text with References for foreign authors.

Text design: see the style file of the journal "Extreme Psychology and Personal Security".

Materials are submitted and further interaction with the authors regarding their manuscripts takes place on the basis of the MSPPU Electronic Editorial service.

We invite you to cooperate in thematic issues!

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