110-year anniversary of Alexander R. Luria – the founder of Russian neuropsychology


He had a very wide range of interests. In the course of research and development of the ideas of cultural-historical psychology with A.N.Leontyev and L.S.Vygotskiy, he found proof of the concept of the structure of higher psychic functions through analysis of cases of brain damage.  

The next issue of “Cultural-historical psychology” (№2/2012) will contain A.R.Luria’s biography, his private correspondence with his wife, and other articles devoted to his anniversary. 

We bring to your notice a selection of A.R.Luria’s works:

Luria A.R., Higher cortical functions in man. (Originally published by Moscow University Press, 1962.) Translated by Basil Haigh. Basic Books, New York, 1966

Luria A.R., The Mind of a Mnemonist: A Little Book about a Vast Memory // Basic Books, New York, 1968

Luria A.R.,  The Nature Of Human Conflicts

Luria A.R., The Man With a Shattered World: The History of a Brain Wound

Luria A.R., Cognitive Development: Its Cultural and Social Foundations

Luria A.R., The Working Brain: An Introduction To Neuropsychology

Books about Luria:

Anne-Lise Christensen, Elkhonon Goldberg, and Dmitri Bougakov, Luria's Legacy in the 21st Century // Oxford Scholarship Online: February 2010

Evgeniia Davydovna Khomskaia David E. Tupper, Alexander Romanovich Luria: A Scientific Biography

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