Cultural-Historical Psychology (2023. Vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 97–105)

Sundaramoorthy Jeyavel
PsyJournalsID: 12031
PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, Head, Department of Psychology, Central University of Punjab, India,
Personal site:
ORCID: 0000-0002-7431-7268
Last updated: 26.04.2023
Journal Articles on Portal 1
Other Author's Publications
- Jeyavel, S. & Kadhiravan, S. (2009). “Cognitive styles of college students in relation to their goal orientation”. Journal of Psychological Researches, 2009, 53(1), 48-54. ISSN:0022/3972.
- Jeyavel, S. & Kadhiravan, S. (2013). “The Predictive role of family environment and goal orientation on students’ Self-Regulated Learning”. International Journal of Psychology and Education, Nov 2013, 1 (3), 104-112. ISSN:2321/8606.
- Naik, A., & Sundaramoorthy, J. (2016). “The Relationship between Locus of Control and Depression among College Students of Gulbarga City.” Indian Journal of Positive Psychology, 7(2), 249-255. ISSN: 2229-4937 doi:10.15614/ijpp/2016/v7i2/122136
- Jeyavel, S.; Abdul Raffie Naik; Sandra, B.& Saranappa, (2016). “Locus of Control and Goal orientation of University Students”. INSIGHT Journal of Applied Research in Education, 12(1), 251-257. ISSN:0975-0665.
- Jeyavel, S. (2018). “Self-Regulated Learning Strategies of Active Procrastinating Pre-University Students”. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 16(2), 325-343. ISSN:1696-2095. (IF=0.475)
- Manikandaprabu, M., Jeyavel Sundaramoorthy & Vijyendra Pandey (2018). “Illness perception among diabetics in Tamil Nadu: A Pilot Study”. Indian Journal of Psychological Science, 10(1), 032-042. ISSN:0976-9218.
- Manikandaprabu, M., & Jeyavel, S. (2018). “Type II Diabetic Patients’ Illness Perception and Self-care Behaviour: Does Comorbidity make any Difference?” International Journal of Behavioural Sciences, 12 (3), 115-125. ISSN:2322-1194.
- Vijyendra Pandey, Manikandaprabu, M., & Jeyavel Sundaramoorthy (2019). “Perception of Health Facilities and Justice: A Comparative Study between Public and Private Hospitals”. Asian Resonance, 8(1), 60-69. ISSN: 0976-8602.
- George, J. & Jeyavel, S., (2019). “Meaning in Life and Depressive symptoms among First Year Engineering Students”. Journal of Mental Health Education, NIMHANS, (2),01-09. ISSN:2456-5733.
- Manikandaprabu, Jeyavel, S., & Vijyendra Pandey, (2019). “Role of Personality Traits on Job Satisfaction: A study among Telecom Employees in Tamil Nadu”. Journal of the Indian Association of Applied Psychology, 45(2), 256-261. ISSN:0019-4247.(IF=0.155)
- Sundaramoorthy, J. (2019). “Pre-service teacher’s self-regulated learning, active procrastination and goal orientation-A path analysis”. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 10(3), 98-109. ISSN: 1308-951X.
- Ann Tresa Sebastian, Bhagya Lal, J. Anupama, Jee Varghese, Aleena Agnus Tom, Eslavath Rajkumar, Allen Joshua George, Sundaramoorthy Jeyavel, Vijyendra Pandey, Maria Wajid & Romate John (2021). Exploring the opinions of the YouTube visitors towards advertisements and its influence on purchase intention among viewers, Cogent Business & Management, 8:1,1-24. (8th February 2021) ISSN: 2331-1975 doi: 10.1080/23311975.2021.1876545 (IF=0.924)
- Pandey V, Astha A, Mishra N, Greeshma R, Lakshmana G, Jeyavel S, Rajkumar E and Prabhu G (2021). “Do Social Connections and Digital Technologies Act As Social Cure During COVID-19?” Front. Psychol. 12:634621. (1st April 2021) ISSN: 1664-1078. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.634621 (IF=4.232)
- Pandey V, Misra N, Greeshma R, Astha A, Jeyavel S, Lakshmana G, Rajkumar E and Prabhu G (2021). “Techno Trend Awareness and Its Attitude towards Social Connectedness and Mitigating Factors of COVID-19.” Front. Psychol. 12:637395. (25th May 2021). ISSN: 1664-1078. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.637395. (IF=4.232)
- Prabhu G, Pandey V, Jeyavel S, Alok K G (2021). “Revisiting two decades of Academic Leadership Research: A Biblimetric Analysis” Journal of Modern Thamizh Research, vol.29 (3), 1940-1956. ISSN:2321-984X
- Jeyavel S, Pandey V, Rajkumar E, & Lakshmana G (2022). “Neuromyths In Education: Prevalence among South Indian School Teachers” Frontiers in Education, 7:781735 (11th March 2022). doi: 10.3389/feduc.2022.781735; ISSN: 2504-284X.
- Subhasree, G & Jeyavel, S. (2022). “Adolescent coping styles & its role in the ‘stress is enhancing’ mindset” Indian Journal of Psychology, 2022 Page No:97-100. ISSN:0019-5553.
- Prabhu, G., Pandey, V., Jeyavel, S. and Greeshma, R. (2022). “Would you mind sharing your story? A narrative exploration of incivility experiences in the Information Technology workplace” Information Technology and People, 03-06-2022, doi: 10.1108/ITP-10-2021-0759. ISSN: 0959-3845 (IF=3.879)
- Rajkumar, E., Ardra, A., Prabhu, G., Pandey, V., Sundaramoorthy, J., Manzoor, R., Sooraj, K. V, Manikandaprabu, M., & Badiger, T. (2022). “Polycystic ovary syndrome : An exploration of unmarried women ’s knowledge and attitudes.” Heliyon, 8(June), e09835. (IF=3.776)
- Deepthi DP, Jeyavel S, Subhasree G and Jojo CE (2022). “Proactive coping and social-emotional adjustment among students with and without learning disabilities in Kerala, India.” Front. Psychol. 13:949708. 06 October 2022. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.949708. (IF=4.232)
- John Romate, D.M. Sindhu, Jeyavel Sundaramoorthy, Vijyendra Pandey, Lakshmana G, R. Lakshmi, Jesline Joshy, and Surekha N (2021). “Interventions to enhance healthy behaviours among hypertension patients: a meta-analysis”. Indian Journal of Psychological Science, 14(2), 032-042. ISSN:0976-9218.
- Jojo C E, Sundaramoorthy Jeyavel, (2022). “Personality Traits associated with Internet Addiction among College Students in South India.” Cogent Education, 9:1, 2142455, 13 November 2022. doi: 10.1080/2331186X.2022.2142455. (IF=0.917)
Book Chapters
- Simran Soni, & Jeyavel, S. (2021). “Influence of Self-Disclosure on Marital Satisfaction among Married Couples-Impact on Elderly”. In Lakshmana G and Channaveer R M. (Ed). Bridging the Intergenerational Gap challenges and Opportunities in the Neo-Liberal Economy. Bloomsbury Publishers, New Delhi. ISBN:979-93-54353-54-3.
- Amy Thomas, & Jeyavel, S. (2017). “Relationship between Resilience and Marital Satisfaction among infertile couples”. In Lawrence, S. (Ed). Enhancing Well-being across Human Life-Span, 184-191. Chennai: Today Publishers. ISBN:978-93-85165-68-9.
Research Guidance
Ph.D. awarded:
- Manikandaprabhu (PhD. PSY.15.01) has been awarded the Ph.D. degree at Central University of Karnataka on 24-10-2020 on his thesis titled “Type II Diabetic Patients’ Self-Care Behaviour and Glycemic Control: The Role of Illness Perception and Treatment Self-Regulation.” Currently, he has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Allahabad University in April 2022.
- Deepthi, DP (PHDPSY1803) has been awarded the Ph.D. degree at Central University of Karnataka on 9-12-2022 on the thesis titled “Enhancing Proactive Coping among Students with Learning Disabilities.” Currently, she has been engaged as Guest Lecturer at Chirstu Jeyanthi College, Bangalore since August 2022.
- Subhasree G (PHDPSY1804) has been awarded the Ph.D. degree at Central University of Karnataka on 29-12-2022 on her thesis “Self-efficacy and its relation with coping styles: Role of Stress Mindset.” Currently, she has been appointed as Guest Lecturer at Gitam University, Bangalore since August 2022.
Ph.D. ongoing:
- Jojo Chacko Eapen (PHDPSY1903) has been working under my supervision at Central University of Karnataka, Kalaburagi on the thesis titled “Parental Burnout: Role of Stress Mindset, Family Environment, & Work-Family Conflict.”
- Aleena P Mathew (20DPPSY01) has been working under my supervision at Central University of Karnataka, Kalaburagi on the thesis titled “Role of teacher attributes, teacher goal orientation and self-regulation on secondary school teacher’s resilience.”
Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Attended
- “The role of humour styles in the consequences of expressive dissonance” has been presented at the 31th Annual convention of the National Academy of Psychology (NAoP) India 2021-22, on “Psychology and Social Justice at the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic: the State, Community and individual Perspectives” organized by Psycho-physiological Laboratory, Indian Institute of Bombay, Mumbai held during 4th -6th March 2022.
- “Neuromyths in Education: Prevalence among School Teachers” has been presented at the 29th Annual convention of the National Academy of Psychology (NAoP) India, & International Conference on “Making Psychology Deliverable to the Society” organized by Department of Applied Psychology, Pondicherry University, Pudhucherry held during 20th -22ndDecember 2019
- “Does Family control Predicts College Students Procrastination?” has been presented at the “21st Biennial International Conference of The International Consortium for Social Development: Strengthening Social Development to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals” organized by ICSD & University of GadjahMada (UGM), Jakarta, INODNESIA at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UGM, 16th -19th July 2019.
- “Role of Emotional Intelligence on Drug Abuse” has been presented at the National Conference on “Public-Private-Community Partnership in Prevention and Management of Drug Abuse”, organized by Department of Social Work, Central University of Kerala, Kasarkod,in collaboration with National Institute of Social Defense, New Delhi, from 7th -8th January 2019.
- “Role of Independent and Interdependent Self-Construal on Self-regulation” has been presented at the 28th Annual convention of the National Academy of Psychology (NAoP) India, organized by Department of Psychology, Ramaujam college and University of Delhi, at University of Delhi, North Campus, New Delhi held during 19th -21st December 2018.
- “Type-II diabetic Patients’ Illness Perception, Self-care behaviour and Glycemic control: A comparative study between public and private hospitals in Madurai” has been presented at the 5th International and 7th Indian Psychological Science congress, organized by National Association of Psychological Science-India & Dept of Psychology, Punjab University, Chandigarh-India at Punjab University Chandigarh from 26th to 28th October 2018.
- “Influence of Goal orientation and Self-regulated learning on Pre-service Teacher’s Active procrastination” has been presented at the 27th Annual convention of the National Academy of Psychology (NAoP) India, organized by Department of Humanities & Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur held at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, from 22nd December to 24th December 2017.
- “Pre-service teachers’ Self-regulated learning, active procrastination and goal orientation: A path analysis” has been presented at the First Southeast Asia Regional Conference of Psychology (RCP2017) held in Hanoi, VIETNAM from November 28th to December 1st 2017.
- “Pre-service teachers’ goal orientation and active procrastination” has been presented at the 26th Annual convention of the National Academy of Psychology (NAoP) India, organized by Department of Management, Indian Institute of Technology, Madrasheld during 29th -31st December 2016.
- “A study of Illness Perception among Diabetic Patients” has been presented at National Seminar on Health Psychology, held at the University of Hyderabad, from 4th to 6th Aug 2016 organized by Center for Health Psychology, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad.
- “Relationship between self-regulated learning and active procrastination among Gulbarga undergraduate students” has been presented at 4th International Conference on Psychology and Allied Development-ICPAS on “Positive Schooling: A Heaven for Holistic Development” held in RavindraBhavan, Margoa, Goa from 16th to 18th January 2016 organized by the Indian Association of Health, Research and Welfare.
- “Exploring Active Procrastination of PUC students in relation to their self-regulated learning” has been presented atthe 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP) held in Paris, from 8-13 of July in 2014 at the Palais des Congress,2 place de la Porte Maillot - 75017 Paris, FRANCE.
- “A study of PUC student’s hardiness in relation to their self-regulated learning strategies” has been presented atthe 23rd annual convention of the National Academy of Psychology (NAOP), India, organized by Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela held during December 13-15, 2013.
- “The Interaction effect of Family Environment and Goal Orientation on Student’s Self-Regulated Learning” has been presented in the 22nd Annual Convention of the National Academy of Psychology (NAOP), India on “Psychology in India: Emerging Trends in Theory, Research, and Practice” on 10th- 12th December 2012, organized by Christ University, Bangalore.
- “Test anxiety of College students in relation to their self-regulation” has been presented in 4th International Conference on “Life Skills Education: Optimizing Positive Strength through Life Skills” on 7th- 9th December 2012, organized by Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, at KBP College, Mumbai.
Conference/ Workshops/Seminars Organised
Organized one day National Workshop on "Human Behaviour and Technology" at the Department of Psychology, Central University of Karnataka on 26-02-2019.
Contribution Towards Institutional Building
SWAYAM Coordinator for Three Years in Central University of Karnataka, Kalaburagi.
Coordinator of Department of Public Administration for Two years in Central University of Karnataka, Kalaburagi.
e-Content Development
Five Module of Video content has been developed in Educational Multimedia Research Centre, Hyderabad