Sten Ludvigsen

PsyJournalsID: 2164

PhD, Director at InterMedia, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway,

Leads the specialized PhD program in learning, communication and ICT at the Faculty of Education. Has published more than 60 articles, papers and book chapters the last eight years.

Personal site:

Last updated: 31.05.2024


Professor Sten Ludvigsen (22.10.59) received his PhD based on a study of learning in medical institutions. He is educated in educational sciences (education psychology) and he has specialized in research about how to use digital learning resources and the relationship between co-located and distributed settings, in the educational sector and in workplace setting. He leads the specialized PhD program in learning, communication and ICT at the Faculty of Education. At InterMedia he leads the research group for socio-cultural studies in ICT and learning. He is involved in PhD teaching and supervision, and has published more than 60 articles, papers and book chapters the last eight years.


International experience

Scientific Manager 2007-2008, Kaleidoscope, European Network of Excellence


Member of the core group (from 2004), member of the executive commitee (from 2005)

Member of the steering group in the Virtual Doctoral School and the CSCL SIG

Co-chair for the first CSCL symposium in Kaleidoscope in Lausanne (2004).

EU research activities

Member of InterMedias team in Knowledge practice laboratory (KP-Lab), an Integrated Project (IP), funded by EU (2006-2011).
Participant in the Cost Action program from 1999-2002.


Visiting positions

Visiting scolar at Learning Research and Development Center at the University of Pittsburgh (1995)
Visiting professor at Stanford University (2001)


Member of editorial boards

The International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (ijCSCL)
The Educational Review (Earli)
The Nordic journal OUTLINES


Advisory boards

Member of the international advisory board for the The Linnaeus Centre of Excellence for Research on Learning, Interaction and Mediated Communication in Contemporary Society (LinCS), University of Gothenburg, Sweden.



Program co-chair for Computer-supported collaborative learning conference the CSCL 2003.
Member of the organizing committee for the CSCL conference: 2005 and 2007.
Program co-chair for the Nordic ISCAR, International Society for Cultural and Activity Research, 2007


Membership in academic and professional bodies

European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI)
International Society for Cultural and Activity Research (ISCAR)


National positions and projects


Leading The Faculty of Education at University of Oslo's strategy group for learning and ICT
Member of the board at Norwegian University of Technology, Dep. of Lifelong Learning.
Chair for the national program for reforms in teacher's education with ICT (1999-2003).


Current and former research projects, leader and co-leader (selection)

TRANSFORM: The Transformation of Productive Learning Practice (2004-2007, with Professor Barbara Wasson, InterMedia / University of Bergen).
Design of Telelearning Artefacts CTA NSS (2000-2003, with Professor Barbara Wasson, InterMedia / University of Bergen.
New technology and new social practices ( 2000-2002, with prof. Svein ?sterud).
Learning in interdisciplinary teams (2000-2002, with prof. Leif Lahn)


Courses, supervision, teaching
Leader for the doctoral program at the University of Oslo in the field of Learning, Communication and ICT. PhD supervision take place largely through established research projects at InterMedia and in conjunction with related departments and projects. The PhD students he supervises has their background from different fields of knowledge (e.g. education, informatics, art, sociology and science):


Finished PhD
Andreas Lund (Teaching, learning and ICT, defended his thesis 2004)
Anders Kluge (Interaction design and project work, defended his this in 2005) (together with ass. Prof. Anders M?rch)
Ingvill Rasmussen (Project work and ICT, defended her thesis in October 2005)
Eli Ottesen (Learning in and out of teacher education courses, defended her thesis in June 2006)
Palmyre Pierroux (Learning art in schools and museums; together with Assoc. Prof. Andrew Morrison, defended her thesis in December 2006)

Current PhD
Ingeborg Krange (Learning science in 3D environments)
Cecilie F. Jahreie (Teacher education and ICT)
Anniken Furberg (Learning and arguing in science from multiple resources)
Thomas De Lange (Learning from multiple resources in different subjects)
Karianne Rudnes (Learning and reasoning in co-located and distributed environments; together with Prof. F. Hertzberg)
Torunn Strumme, Learning science through animations and simulations (together with Prof. Doris Jorde).


Publications (selected)

Sten Ludvigsen has published more than 60 articles, chapters, and papers in English and in Norwegian the last 7 years. A selection is given below. See also the national research database FRIDA.


Edited books

●Ludvigsen, S. Lund, A., Rasmussen, I. & Sa¨ljo¨, R. (in press). Learning across sites: New tools, infrastructures and practices. Pergamon Press.
●Wasson, B. Hoppe, U. & Ludvigsen, S. (Eds.) Designing for Change in Networked Learning Environments. Amsterdam, Kluwer. In 2003.
●Ludvigsen, S. og Lukensgard Hoel, T. (Red). Et utdanningssystem i endring. IKT og Laering. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk Forlag. In 2002.


-Furberg, A & Ludvigsen, S. (2008). Students' meaning-making of socio-scientific issues in computer mediated settings: Exploring learning through interaction trajectories. International journal of Science education, 1-25.

-Krange, I. & Ludvigsen, S. (2008). What does it mean? Students' procedural and conceptual problem solving in CSCL environment designed within the field of science education. International Journal of Computer supported collaborative learning, 3: 25-51.

-Jahreie, C.F. & Ludvigsen, S. (2007). Portfolios as Boundary Object: Learning and Change in Teacher Education. Research and Partice in Technology Enhanced Learning, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 299-318
-Konkola, R., P. Lambert, T.  Tuomi-Gro¨hn and S.R. Ludvigsen. (2007). 'Tools for Promoting learning and Transfer Across Boundaries.' Journal of Education and Work, v. 20, no. 3, July 2007. pp.211-228.
-Arnseth, H.C. & S. Ludvigsen (2006). Approaching institutional contexts: Systemic versus dialogical research in CSCL. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. 1, 2, 167-185. Winner of the best article in the CSCL SIG Kaleidoscope, NoE, 2007.
-Ludvigsen, S. & M?rch, A. (2005). 'Situating Collaborative Learning: EducationalTechnology in the Wild'. Educational Technology, Vol. XLV, No. 5. 39-44.
-Rasmussen, I. , Krange, I. & Ludvigsen, S. (2005). 'Understanding the task: How is agency distributed between tools, students and teachers in technology-rich learning environments?' International Journal of Educational Research, 39. 839-849.
-Ludvigsen, S. & Fjuk, A. (2001). ‘Tools in Social Practice: Learning, Medical Education and 3D Environments.' Outlines, No. 2, 5-23.

Book chapters
●Ludvigsen, S. (in press). ‘What counts as knowledge: Learning to use categoriesin computer environments'. In Sa¨ljo¨, R. (ed.). ICT and Transformation of Learning Practices. Amsterdam: Pergamon, Elsevier Science Ltd.
●Ludvigsen, S. & Murch, A. (in press). Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: Pedagogical and Technological Scaffolding. Chapter contribution to Int'l Encyclopedia of Education's 3rd Edition volume on “Learning and Cognition,” by Elsevier. Latest version Jan. 17, 2007
●Ludvigsen, S. & Murch, A. (2003). ‘Categorisation in knowledge building. Task  specific argumentation in a co-located CSCL environment.' In Wasson, B. Hoppe, U. & Ludvigsen, S. (Eds.) Designing for Change in Networked Learning Environments (pp. 67-76). Amsterdam, Kluwer.
●Ludvigsen, S. R.,  Havnes, A. &  Lahn, L.C. (2003). ‘Workplace Learning across Activity Systems: A Case Study of Sales Engineers.' In  Gro¨hn, T. & Engestro¨m, Y. (Eds.). Between School and Work. New perspectives on Transfer and Boundary Crossing (pp. 291-310). Amsterdam: Pergamon, Elsevier Science Ltd.
●Krange, I. Larsen, A., Fjuk, A., Ludvigsen, S. (2002). 'Describing construction ofknowledge through identification of collaboration patterns in 3D learning environments. In Stahl, G. (ed.). Computer Support for Collaborative Learning: Foundations for a CSCL Community ( pp. 81-91). Proceedings of CSCL 2002. January 7-11, 2002, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
●Fjuk, A. & Ludvigsen, S. (2001). 'The Complexity of Distributed Collaborative Learning: Unit of Analysis.' In Dillenbourg, P., Eurelings, A. & Hakkarainen, K. (Eds.). ECSCL - European Perspectives on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. Proceedings of E-CSCL (pp. 237-244): University Maastricht.
●Arnseth, H. C., Ludvigsen, S., Murck, A. & Wasson, B. (2001). 'Collaboration and Problem Solving in Distributed Collaborative Learning.' In Dillenbourg, P., Eurelings, A. & Hakkarainen, K. (Eds.)  ECSCL - European Perspectives on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (pp. 75-82). Proceedings of E-CSCL: University Maastricht.


Sten Ludvigsen has also a range of publications in Norwegian, Swedish and Danish.