Cultural-Historical Psychology (2017. Vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 4–22)
Journal Articles on Portal 1
Other Author's Publications
- REED, M. (2017) Understanding and responding to negativism in schooling: the potential of the ‘double move’, Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 12, 63-77.
- REED, M. (2017) The door and the dark: Trouble telling tales. In: The Routledge International Handbook on Narrative and Life History, I. Goodson, A. Antikainen, P. Sikes & M. Andrews (Eds.), London: Routledge, 550-568.
- REED, M. (2013) Thorns on my tongue, in Y. Omi, M. C. Peralta Gómez, L. P. Rodriguez Burgos & J. Valsiner (Eds.) Lives and Relationships: Culture in transitions between social roles (Advances in Cultural Psychology Series) Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, 31-55.
- REED, M. (2015) Classroom interaction and the development of empowerment, Nuances: Estudos sobre Educação, (Presidente Prudente-SP, Brazil), 26, (1), 6-21.
- REED, M. (2011) Somewhere between what is and what if: Fictionalisation and ethnographic inquiry, Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education, 18(1), 31-43.
- M. & SPEEDY, J. (2011) Scrapbooks and messy texts: Notes towards sustaining critical and artful narrative inquiry, in S. TRAHAR (Ed.) Travelling in the Borderlands: Learning and Teaching Narrative Inquiry, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 107-123.
- REED, M. (2009a) Waiting for rain, Changing English: An International Journal of English Teaching, 16(2), 137-147.
- REED, M. (2008) Distributing agency by developing classroom activity, Educational Review, 60(2), 187-207.
- REED, M. (2006a) A perplexed story, Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education, 13(2), 197-209
- REED, M. (2005) Strong language: the purpose of dialogue in the development of writing, Changing English, 12(1), 85-102
- REED, M (2004) Write or wrong? A sociocultural approach to schooled writing, English in Education, 38(1), 19-36.
- WEBSTER, A, BEVERIDGE, M & REED, M. (2004) Rethinking the meaning of literacy, in D. WRAY (Ed.), Literacy: Major themes in Education: Volume 1: Literacy: its nature and its teaching. London, Routledge, 5-32.
- REED, M. (1999) Læring gennem interaktion (Learning through interaction) in D. CECCHIN & E. SANDER (Eds) Liv & Læring. Copenhagen, BUPL, 138-157.
- WEBSTER, A., BEVERIDGE, M. & REED, M. (1996) Managing the Literacy Curriculum: How schools can become communities of readers and writers. London, Routledge,
- REED, M., WEBSTER, A. & BEVERIDGE, M. (1996) Mapping the literacy curriculum: an interactive account of classroom literacies, Changing English, 3(2), 189-200.