Peter Renshaw

Peter Renshaw

PsyJournalsID: 7854

PhD, Professor, Professor of Education, School of Education, University of Queensland, Queensland, Australia,

Last updated: 01.04.2024

Journal Articles on Portal 1

Other Author's Publications

(i) Edited Research Books

Renshaw, R & Tooth, R (in press). Diverse Pedagogies of Place: Educating Students in and for Local and Global Environments.  London: Routledge

  1. Mills, M., Keddie, A., Renshaw, P., & Monk, S. (2017). The politics of differentiation in schools. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge.
  2. Ng, C. & Renshaw, P. D. (2009) Reforming learning: Concepts issues and practice in the Asia-Pacific region. Springer Science.
  3. van der Linden, Jos and Renshaw, Peter D. (2004). Dialogic learning: Shifting perspectives on learning instruction and teaching. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

(ii) Scholarly Book Chapters (Refereed)

  1. Davies, K. & Renshaw, P. (2013) Being Aspie or having Asperger Syndrome: Learning and the dialogical self at In M. Beatrice Ligorio & Margarida Cesar (Eds.), Interplays Between Dialogical Learning and Dialogical Self (pp. 393-417) Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.
  2. Renshaw, P. (2013) Classroom chronotopes privileged by contemporary educational policy: Teaching and learning in testing times. In S. Phillipson, K. Y. L. Ku & Phillipson, S. N. (Eds.) Constructing Educational Achievement: A Sociocultural Perspective, London/New York: Routledge. Pp57-69.
  3. Phillipson, S. & Renshaw, P. (2013) Constructing educational achievement within a sociocultural framework of planes. In S. Phillipson, K. Y. L. Ku & Phillipson, S. N. (Eds.) Constructing Educational Achievement: A Sociocultural Perspective, London/New York: Routledge.
  4. Gilbert, R., Keddie, A., Lingard, B., Mills, M. & Renshaw, P. (2013). Equity and education research, policy and practices: A review. In Alan Reid and Louise Regnolds (Ed.) Equity and Education: Exploring new directions for equity in Australian Education (pp. 16-51) Carlton, Australia: Australian College of Educators.
  5. Mills, M., Goos, M., Monk, S., Muspratt, S., Renshaw, P., Gilbert, R., Dole, S., Honan, E., Nichols, K., Wright, T., Gannaway, D. & Sheppard, K. (2012). A curriculum in transition: Final report for the Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework (QCAR): Evaluation. Brisbane, Qld, Australia: Department of Education, Training and the Arts