
Leonid A. Pergamenshchik

Member of editorial board, member of editorial council of “Social Psychology and Society” journal

Member of editorial board, member of editorial council of “Extreme Psychology and Personal Safety” journal

Country, City Belarus, Minsk
Academic degrees and titles Doctor of Psychology, Professor
Occupation and current place of work Professor of the Department of Social and Family Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Maxim Tank Belarusian State Pedagogical University
E-mail address leonpergam@gmail.com
Website or personal webpage https://ipsy.bspu.by/pergamenshchik-leonid-abramovich
Main scientific publications
  1. Crisis psychology / Textbook Mn.: Higher school. - 2004. - 239 p.
  2. Introduction to crisis psychology / Course of lectures Mn.: BSPU im. M. Tanka, 2005 - 275
  3. Posttraumatic stress: understand and overcome /Mn.: BSPU im. M. Tanka, 2005. - 139 p.
  4. Mental numbness as a break in the continuity of being. Moscow Psychotherapeutic Journal, - 2009 - No. 1. - P. 99 - 111.
  5. Crisis intervention / Crisis intervention: workshop - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - Minsk: BSPU, 2012. - 140 p. (Puzyrevich N.L.)
  6. Psychological assistance in crisis situations / 2nd ed. add. and processed Minsk: Iz-vo Grevtsova, 2013. - 384 p. (Puzyrevich N.L.)
  7. Psychological code of survival: monograph / L.A. Parchment maker [etc.]; edited by L.A. Parchment maker; Brest. State University named after A.S. Pushkin, Brest: BrGU, 2015. - 262 p.
  8. A person in a crisis situation. By materials from psychological laboratories writers. Monograph/ Minsk: BSPU, 2021. - 263 p.

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