
Alexander Oktyabrinovich Prokhorov

Member of editorial board of “Experimental Psychology (Russia)” journal

Country Russia
Academic degrees and titles Doctor of Psychology,
Occupation and current place of work Professor of the Department of General Psychology, Kazan (Volga region) federal universit
Scopus ID 23393491600
Main scientific publications

Prokhorov A. O. Mental States and their manifestations in the educational process. - Kazan, Publishing house of Kazan University, 1991.

Prokhorov A. O. Mental States and their functions. – Kazan, Publishing house of the pedagogical Institute, 1994.

 Prokhorov A. O. Psychology of nonequilibrium States. - M., Publishing house IP RAS, 1998.

Prokhorov A. O. Semantic spaces of mental States. - Dubna, Publishing house Phoenix+, 2002.

Prokhorov A. O. self-Regulation of mental States: phenomenology, mechanisms, regularities. - M., Publishing house PER SE, 2005.

 Prokhorov A. O. Semantic regulation of mental States. - M., Publishing house of IP RAS, 2009.

Prokhorov A. O., Yusupov M. G. Everyday trance state. - M., Publishing house of IP RAS, 2013.

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