Bulletin of Practical Psychology of Education
2022. Vol. 19, no. 3, 73–89
ISSN: 2658-3100 (online)
Sensory World at Your Fingertips
The article presents a program, the development of which is due to the originality of the emotional-volitional sphere, character, sensory experience of visually impaired and blind students. The program is aimed at reducing psycho-emotional stress, teaching children the skills of psychological self-regulation in a sensory room. A sensory room for a visually impaired and blind child gives an opportunity for the student to mitigate or eliminate their internal problems. Periodic visits by students with visual impairments to the sensory room allows solving the problems of preventing difficulties in learning, upbringing and socialization, deviations in the development and behavior of students. The effectiveness of this program was monitored according to diagnostic data based on the developed criteria before and after the trainees completed the cycle of classes. The implementation of the program revealed a positive trend in personal and social results.
General Information
Keywords: visually impaired children, compensation for sensory impressions, psychological self-regulation skills, development of motor functions
Journal rubric: Development of Regional Psychological Support Practices in Education and Social Sphere
Article type: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17759/bppe.2022190304
Received: 19.09.2022
For citation: Savenko E.I. Sensory World at Your Fingertips [Elektronnyi resurs]. Vestnik prakticheskoi psikhologii obrazovaniya = Bulletin of Practical Psychology of Education, 2022. Vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 73–89. DOI: 10.17759/bppe.2022190304. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)
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