Prototypes of subject action



The article discusses the possibility of definition of the action that could be represented as a cell of human subjectivity. The subjectivity phenomenon is regarded as a culture-mediated activity in which a person reveals and creates resources for self-development. Subjectivity is matched with the other forms of human activity, similar in external manifestations but different in the core groundings. External object-oriented action (A.N. Leontyev), non-reduced form of a labour act (K. Marx), aesthetic action (M.M. Bakhtin, L.S. Vygotsky, V.B. Shklovsky), play action (D.B. Elkonin, L.I. Elkoninova), learning activity (D.B. Elkonin, V.V Davydov) are investigated as prototypes of such activity. It is concluded that prototype action should posses both emphasized meaning aspect and requisitions for initiation of another action that makes it “open” (B.D. Elkonin). This type of actions contains the means of a subject’s self-disclosure and means of his “assemblage” (M.K. Mamardashvili).

General Information

Keywords: assembled subject, external object-related action, aesthetic action, play action, learning action, open action, emotional experience

Journal rubric: Theory and Methodology

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Medvedev A.M., Zhulanova I.V. Prototypes of subject action. Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya = Cultural-Historical Psychology, 2010. Vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 18–26. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Aleksandr M. Medvedev, PhD in Psychology, Assistant professor at the Psychology chair, Volgograd State University of Education, Volgograd, Russia, e-mail:

Irina V. Zhulanova, PhD in Psychology, Assistant professor at the Psychology chair, Volgograd State University of Education, Volgograd, Russia, e-mail:



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