The Art of the Word as a Phenomenon of Mental Activity



The paper gives a review of the book by A. Voronkevich What is Art? The essential character of the mat- ters in question is obvious, taking into account the process of estrangement of the modern individual from art. The problem of the purposes of art and the definition of artistry are all in the focus of the author's attention. A.Voronkevich develops a multilevel method of fiction analysis based on L.S. Vygotsky's psychological approach to art. The author argues that at the core of art lies the esthetic reaction (conflict of emotions). The method, undoubtedly effective and original, is fully revealed in its application to the analysis of works by Pushkin, Lermontov and Bulgakov. Exploring every significant level in a literary work's verbal structure opens up new possibilities for the comprehension of its artistic contents. The book certainly does not aim to have the last word in the discussion of art, but represents a thorough and up-to-date psychological and philological investigation into the subject.

General Information

Keywords: the art of word, mental activity, esthetic reaction, artistry, multilevel analysis, psychologism, levels of literary work

Journal rubric: Criticism and Bibliography

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Timashova L.V. The Art of the Word as a Phenomenon of Mental Activity. Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya = Cultural-Historical Psychology, 2014. Vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 123–126. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


  1. Voronkevich A.S. Chto takoe iskusstvo? [What is art?]. Moscow: Avtorskaya kniga, 2011. 192 p.
  2. Vygotskij L.S. Analiz jesteticheskoj reakcii. Sobranie tru- dov [Analysis of aesthetic response. Collected Works]. Kom- mentarii V.V. Ivanova. Moscow: Labirint, 2001. 480 p.
  3. Leont'ev A.A. Psihologiya obshheniya. [Psychology of Communication]. 3-е izd. Moscow: Smysl, 1999. 365 p.
  4. Rabin O. "V Rossii pobedilo vtorichnoe prozapadnoe iskusstvo" [In Russia won the secondary pro-Western art]. Kul'tura [Culture], 2012, no. 21, pp. 15.
  5. Teoriya literatury. Tom IV. Literaturnyi process. [The- ory of Literature. Vol. IV Literary process]. Moscow: IMLI RAN, "Nasledie", 2001. 624 p.

Information About the Authors

Larisa V. Timashova, PhD in Philology, PhD in Philology, associate professor at the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature, Sholokhov Moscow State University for Humanities, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:



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