The connection between belief in a just world (BJW) and mental well-being (MWB) in deaf and hearing youth and adults was investigated. In total, 66 people participated in the survey, 10 deaf and 10 hearing adults, 20 deaf young men and women, 26 hearing young men and women. The following scales were used: Belief in a just world scale by C.Dalbert, consisting of two subscales, General belief in a just world (GBJW), and Personal belief in a just world (PBJW); and Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being scale (WEMWBS) by R.Tennart et al. The Russian versions of scales were translated into the gesture language; the psychometrics was satisfactory. There is revealed that deaf and hearing people don’t differ in the BJW level but do in MWB one that is higher in hearing respondents. In the hearing respondents, BJW is positively connected to MWB, this relation is more strong in the youth. In the deaf people, there is found negative connection between GBJW and positive one between PBJW and MWB but as the tendencies only. In the hearing group, there aren’t any differences in the BJW level depending the age. In the deaf group, the GBJW in adults is higher than in youth. To sum up, hearing and deaf people differ in the age dynamics and contribution of BJW into the keeping of the MWB: whereas a resource for hearing respondents is a belief in a just world, for deaf respondents rather a belief in a unjust world is.The connection between belief in a just world (BJW) and mental well-being (MWB) in deaf and hearing youth and adults was investigated. In total, 66 people participated in the survey, 10 deaf and 10 hearing adults, 20 deaf young men and women, 26 hearing young men and women. The following scales were used: Belief in a just world scale by C.Dalbert, consisting of two subscales, General belief in a just world (GBJW), and Personal belief in a just world (PBJW); and Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being scale (WEMWBS) by R.Tennart et al. The Russian versions of scales were translated into the gesture language; the psychometrics was satisfactory. There is revealed that deaf and hearing people don’t differ in the BJW level but do in MWB one that is higher in hearing respondents. In the hearing respondents, BJW is positively connected to MWB, this relation is more strong in the youth. In the deaf people, there is found negative connection between GBJW and positive one between PBJW and MWB but as the tendencies only. In the hearing group, there aren’t any differences in the BJW level depending the age. In the deaf group, the GBJW in adults is higher than in youth. To sum up, hearing and deaf people differ in the age dynamics and contribution of BJW into the keeping of the MWB: whereas a resource for hearing respondents is a belief in a just world, for deaf respondents rather a belief in a unjust world is.The connection between belief in a just world (BJW) and mental well-being (MWB) in deaf and hearing youth and adults was investigated. In total, 66 people participated in the survey, 10 deaf and 10 hearing adults, 20 deaf young men and women, 26 hearing young men and women. The following scales were used: Belief in a just world scale by C.Dalbert, consisting of two subscales, General belief in a just world (GBJW), and Personal belief in a just world (PBJW); and Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being scale (WEMWBS) by R.Tennart et al. The Russian versions of scales were translated into the gesture language; the psychometrics was satisfactory. There is revealed that deaf and hearing people don’t differ in the BJW level but do in MWB one that is higher in hearing respondents. In the hearing respondents, BJW is positively connected to MWB, this relation is more strong in the youth. In the deaf people, there is found negative connection between GBJW and positive one between PBJW and MWB but as the tendencies only. In the hearing group, there aren’t any differences in the BJW level depending the age. In the deaf group, the GBJW in adults is higher than in youth. To sum up, hearing and deaf people differ in the age dynamics and contribution of BJW into the keeping of the MWB: whereas a resource for hearing respondents is a belief in a just world, for deaf respondents rather a belief in a unjust world is.
General Information
Keywords: deaf people, personality, integration, belief in a just world, mental well-being, gesture languagedeaf people, personality, integration, belief in a just world, mental well-being, gesture languagedeaf people, personality, integration, belief in a just world, mental well-being, gesture languagedeaf people, personality, integration, belief in a just world, mental well-being, gesture languagedeaf people, personality, integration, belief in a just world, mental well-being, gesture language
For citation:Nartova-Bochaver S.K., Podlipnyak M.B., Khokhlova A.Y. Belief in a Just world and mental well-being in deaf and hearing youth and adultsts [Elektronnyi resurs]. Klinicheskaia i spetsial'naia psikhologiia = Clinical Psychology and Special Education, 2013. Vol. 2, no. 3 (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)
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Mikhail B. Podlipnyak, MA student, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:
Alina Y. Khokhlova, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Psychologist, the Resource Center Supporting Deafblind and their Family Members “Yaseneva Polyana”, Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail: