Psychological Characteristics of Mothers of Children Conceivedwith Use of In Vitro Fertilization



The article is devoted to the study of the psychological characteristics of mothers who gave birth to children conceived using in vitro fertilization. The results of a comparative study of personality characteristics, gestational dominant psychological component, and parent-child relationship 105 mothers of infants conceived via IVF children and 89 mothers who conceived naturally. The methodology used MINI SMIL L.N. Sobchik, test for pregnant I.V. Dobryakova and methods of E.S. Schaeffer, R.K. Bell revealed that mothers of children conceived via IVF, characterized hyperthymic, anxiety and ambition, at least – masculine traits and deliberately. Women often anxiety related to pregnancy and child euphoric attitude towards childbirth. After birth, they are often too much care of their children. Mothers who gave birth to premature babies are more likely than mothers of full-term children, are original and hyperthymic traits. During pregnancy, they often «gipognostichesky type» (little conscious) of relationship to leave, depressive attitude towards yourself and your child, anxious attitude towards strangers. These factors are risk factors for premature birth, therefore, require psychological treatment.

General Information

Keywords: psychological characteristics of mother, in vitro fertilization, the psychological component of gestational dominant, children – parent relationship

Journal rubric: Empirical Research

Article type: scientific article


For citation: Kocherova O.J., Pykhtina L.A., Gadzhimuradova H.D., Filkina O.M., Malyshkina A.I. Psychological Characteristics of Mothers of Children Conceivedwith Use of In Vitro Fertilization [Elektronnyi resurs]. Klinicheskaia i spetsial'naia psikhologiia = Clinical Psychology and Special Education, 2016. Vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 69–77. DOI: 10.17759/cpse.2016050305. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Olga J. Kocherova, Doctor of Medicine, a leading fellow of the Department of child health, The Federal state budget institution "Ivanovo research Institute of maternity and childhood named. V. N. Gorodkov" of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Ivanovo, Russia, e-mail:

Lyudmila A. Pykhtina, Doctor of Medicine, senior research officer, Department of child health, The Federal state budget institution "Ivanovo research Institute of maternity and childhood named. V. N. Gorodkov" of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Ivanovo, Russia, e-mail:

Hope D. Gadzhimuradova, postgraduate, Department of child health, Federal state budget institution "Ivanovo research Institute of maternity and childhood named. V. N. Gorodkov" of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Ivanovo, Russia, e-mail:

Olga M. Filkina, Doctor of Medicine, head of children's health, The Federal state budget institution "Ivanovo research Institute of maternity and childhood named. V. N. Gorodkov" of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Ivanovo, Russia, e-mail:

Anna I. Malyshkina, Doctor of Medicine, Director, The Federal state budget institution "Ivanovo research Institute of maternity and childhood named. V. N. Gorodkov" of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Ivanovo, Russia, e-mail:



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