Extreme Psychology and Personal Safety
2024. Vol. 1, no. 2, 5–21
ISSN: 3034-3666
Value and Semantic Factors of Expected Professional Longevity of Master’s Students in the Program “Psychology of Special Risk Professions”
The work aims to study the connection between value-semantic indicators and characteristics of age and planned professional longevity among undergraduates. Subjects: Master's students in the educational program "Psychology of Special Risk Professions" - 35 people (27 of them women, average age 37.4 + 7.39 years. Methods: "Hierarchy of Personality", assessment of personal attitude "egoism - altruism", real structure questionnaire on value orientations of the individual, “expected retirement age” scale, diagnostics of biological age, self-assessment of psychological age, regression analysis. Results: Three age indicators have been identified that characterize expected professional longevity and associated complexes of value-semantic characteristics 1) Expected retirement age characterizes. the duration of the planned working period. It is increased by the set of values: “rest and respect,” which includes the values of rest, interesting pastime, respect, and recognition from others. 2) Index of biological aging is reduced by the set of values “healthy altruism,” which includes the values of health, altruism, and material well-being. 3) The index of psychological aging is lowered by the complex of values “free time”, which includes the values of communication, free time, and, in the opposite direction, the value of the family sphere and social activity. Conclusion: the expected professional longevity of master's students studying in the educational program "Psychology of special risk professions" is associated with their value-semantic orientations.
General Information
Keywords: professional longevity, special risk professions, value and semantic orientations, training, expected retirement age, biological age, psychological age
Journal rubric: General Psychology and Psychology Safety of the Personality
Article type: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17759/epps.2024010201
Funding. The study was financially supported by the Russian Science Foundation, project No. 19-18-00058-P.
Acknowledgements. The authors thank L.V. Knyazeva and Yu.F. Faskhutdinova for their assistance in collecting data for the study
Received: 13.03.2024
For citation: Berezina T.N. Value and Semantic Factors of Expected Professional Longevity of Master’s Students in the Program “Psychology of Special Risk Professions” [Elektronnyi resurs]. Ekstremal'naya psikhologiya i bezopasnost' lichnosti = Extreme Psychology and Personal Safety, 2024. Vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 5–21. DOI: 10.17759/epps.2024010201. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)
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