Forming the Readiness of Students to Master Military Professions in the Educational Environment of the Cadet Corps



The article considers the problem of choosing a future profession in the context of psychological readiness for various types of activities, including military service. The authors discuss various theoretical approaches to readiness, emphasize the importance of developing readiness for military service as a key aspect of the social system. The empirical study was conducted at Cadet School No. 1784 named after Army General V.A. Matrosov. 46 students took part in the study. The comparison group consisted of students of the educational school (49 people). The following methods were used: Herzberg motivational structure test, diagnostics of interactive orientation of personality (N.P. Fetiskin), questionnaire "Military-professional motivation" (B.V. Ovchinnikov, A.F. Borovikov). The following results were obtained: awareness and motivational attention to the choice of a future profession among cadets and students of a comprehensive school are practically the same. There is a connection between the indicator "military-professional motivation" and the motivational structure and interactive orientation of cadets; The following connections were identified: with the attitude towards management, with cooperation in the team, with the motive of achieving personal success, with the content of the activity. Conclusion: since there are connections between military-professional motivation and the motivational structure and interactive orientation of cadets, it is necessary to carry out complex influences aimed at developing readiness to choose a military-professional career for students studying in the cadet corps. Key words: professional self-determination, readiness to master military professions, classification of readiness for military service, formation of readiness to choose a military profession.

General Information

Keywords: professional self-determination, readiness to master military professions, classification of readiness for military service, formation of readiness to choose a military profession

Journal rubric: Psychology of Special Risk Professions

Article type: scientific article


Received: 17.07.2024


For citation: Kodzhaspirov A.Y., Polyakova L.V. Forming the Readiness of Students to Master Military Professions in the Educational Environment of the Cadet Corps [Elektronnyi resurs]. Ekstremal'naya psikhologiya i bezopasnost' lichnosti = Extreme Psychology and Personal Safety, 2024. Vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 36–50. DOI: 10.17759/epps.2024010303. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Alexey Y. Kodzhaspirov, PhD in Psychology, Head of the remote counseling sector "Children's helpline" of the Center for Emergency Psychological Assistance, Associate Professor of the Department of Scientific Foundations of Extreme Psychology, Faculty of "Extreme Psychology", Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (MSUPE), Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:

Ludmila V. Polyakova, PhD in Education, Associate Professor, Acting Head of the Department Sociology, Psychology and Law, Russian Chemical-Technological University named after D.I. Mendeleev, Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:



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