The Effective Ways of Remembering New Words



The article tells about the most effective ways of semantization, which help to use the lexical units in the speech more consciously. The most attention is paid to the analysis of the methods of semantization of the lexical units which can be done with translation and without translation and also to the ways of the classification of lexical units from the active part of vocabulary..

General Information

Keywords: the ways of semantization, ways of semantization with translation and without translation, visual and verbal ways of semantization, active and passive parts of vocabulary, ways of classification

Journal rubric: Linguodidactics and Innovations.Psychological Basis of Learning Languages and Cultures.

Article type: scientific article


For citation: Bagmanova S.V. The Effective Ways of Remembering New Words [Elektronnyi resurs]. Âzyk i tekst = Language and Text, 2016. Vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 73–77. DOI: 10.17759/langt.2016030306. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Svetlana V. Bagmanova, Senior teacher of the chair of German and French Philology, Bashkir State University, Ufa, Russia



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