Adaptation technologies of resocialization of minor convicts



The work was made with the financial support of a grant of the Russian Humanities Scientific Foundation and the Administration of the Arkhangelsk region under project № 11-16-29001 а/С The process of resocialization of minor offenders supposes a re-oreintation of their asocial directedness, development of axiological-normative perceptions and corresponding skills of social behavior, development of social status of former offender and the ability of self-regulation of one’s behavior from the position of universal ethical norms and values. The contribution analyzes the peculiarities of the process of resocialization of personality of minor offenders kept in correctional institutions of closed type. It is shown that use of adaptation technologies and support programs which ensure reproduction of the processes of inclusion of the convict’s personality into groups, collectives and new conditions of social environment, activity, relations and which are characterized by coherence of the subject’s needs with his capabilities and with the reality of the social environment and the tendencies of their development, is effective for its implementation. The article also justifies the use of social-psychological adaptation technologies for implementation of the process of resocialization of minor offenders, because their introduction is a complex and dynamic process of conversion of theoretical concepts of reproduction of social qualities, characteristics, phenomena, relations into the sphere of practical actions.

General Information

Keywords: extreme activity, psychological readiness, psychic conditions, self-regulation, style of self-regulation.

Journal rubric: Penitentiary Psychology and Penal Practice

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Leus J., Soloviev A.G. Adaptation technologies of resocialization of minor convicts [Elektronnyi resurs]. Psikhologiya i pravo = Psychology and Law, 2012. Vol. 2, no. 3 (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)

Information About the Authors

Jelvira Leus, PhD in Biology, associate professo,r Northern (Arctic) federal university named after M.V.Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk, Russia, e-mail:

Andrej G. Soloviev, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of the Department of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology, Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:



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