Characteristics of psychological violence (mobbing) in terms of emigration



In the article the problem of psychological violence (mobbing) in organizations, his psychological characteristics in emigration. Analyzes the types of mobbing, its negative influence on the personality, negative consequences which not only affect physical and psychological health, but also lead to physical diseases, and suicide. The author emphasizes that in conditions of exile (in Israel) psychological violence is experienced more acutely and is characterized by a prolonged depressed state. One important reason for this situation is the decline of the former social status of the emigrant, being able to quickly inclusion in the new society, loss of important social ties, the need to adopt different social norms, sometimes contradicting previously established views. Against the background of such negative phenomena in humans appear aggression, desire to dominate at any cost to regain lost status. The problem of mobbing in the modern world is very important and requires a robust approach at the state level. That psychological safety is a condition for ensuring the formation and development of functional comfort, maintaining a high level of personal emotional security and social-psychological skills, optimization of reserve possibilities of the person in activities.

General Information

Keywords: psychological violence, psychological harassment, mobbing, emigration, social status, identity, aggression, depression.

Journal rubric: Psychology of Deviant and Criminal Behavior

Article type: scientific article


For citation: Kovalchishina N.I. Characteristics of psychological violence (mobbing) in terms of emigration [Elektronnyi resurs]. Psikhologiya i pravo = Psychology and Law, 2017. Vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 122–130. DOI: 10.17759/psylaw.2017070110. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

N. I. Kovalchishina, PhD in Psychology, psychologist, Ltd. "PSY-CONSULTING", Israel, e-mail:



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