Psychology and Law
2023. Vol. 13, no. 1, 221–231
ISSN: 2222-5196 (online)
Formation of Legal Awareness as a Component of the Professional Identity of Specialists in the Social Sphere at the Stage of Study at the University
The analysis of works in pedagogy, psychology, sociology, philosophy and jurisprudence allows us to state the presence of certain problems in professional training, in particular, in the formation of legal consciousness of future specialists in the social sphere at the stage of university education. The array of studies of legal consciousness in the humanitarian fields of knowledge shows that the general scientific discourse is focused on understanding the phenomenon as a significant factor in the formation of professional identity, as well as the analysis of real and potential opportunities to create conditions for the development of students’ legal consciousness in the conditions of universities. The aim of the study, the results of which are presented in the article, was to investigate the impact of the formation of legal consciousness on the professional identity of students. The article describes the stages of the experimental study, presents the sample, the tools, describes and interprets the results, as well as outlines the prospects of the study.
General Information
Keywords: legal awareness, professional identity, social sphere, students of higher education
Journal rubric: Interdisciplinary Studies
Article type: scientific article
Received: 12.12.2021
For citation: Markova S.V., Nikitskaya E.A. Formation of Legal Awareness as a Component of the Professional Identity of Specialists in the Social Sphere at the Stage of Study at the University [Elektronnyi resurs]. Psikhologiya i pravo = Psychology and Law, 2023. Vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 221–231. DOI: 10.17759/psylaw.2023130116.
Full text
Current Study
- Methods for studying professional identity (MIPI);
- Unfinished sentences (modified by OA Gulevich);
- Questionnaire “Legal Awareness”;
- Methods for studying the professionally lawful orientation of the personality [Gulevich, 2009a; Sorokoumova, 2007; Shneider, 2019; Yasyukova, 2000].
- The level of development of legal awareness in the experimental group according to the method “Unfinished sentences” (modified by O.A. Gulevich) significantly increased both relative to the control group (p > 0.05) and relative to the initial results (p > 0.05). Prior to the formative experiment, no significant differences were observed. At the primary assessment, 34% of students in the control group were at the level of lawmaking, in the experimental group — 23%.
- The general level of development of legal awareness, as well as the level of legal awareness on the scale “legal knowledge” according to the method of L.А. Yasyukova in the experimental group increased both relative to the control group (p > 0.01, p > 0.01) and relative to the initial results (p > 0.05, p >0.01). At the primary assessment in the control group of respondents with a well-developed level of legal awareness was 22%, and in the experimental group the number of subjects with a well-developed level of legal awareness was 12%. Legal nihilism in the control group was 26%, and in the experimental group, the indicators were two times less and amounted to 12%.
- The level of development of professional identity according to the method of research of professional identity (MIPI) LB Schneider in the experimental group increased both relative to the control group (p > 0.05) and relative to the initial results (p > 0.05). The calculation and comparison of data in the SPSS Statistics program was carried out according to the level of "achieved positive identity". There were no particular differences in the percentage ratio for a given level of identity between the control and experimental groups at the primary assessment. The control group — 21% of the subjects with achieved positive identity, the experimental group — 23% of the subjects. The predominant level of development of professional identity in the experimental group was pseudo-identity. In the control group, according to the results of primary assessment, a distortion of professional identity is also traced. In this group, the majority of students have a “moratorium” identity status.
Method/scale |
Stage |
Control group |
t |
p |
Experimental group |
t |
p |
t (CG/EG) |
p |
C ± m |
C ± m |
Unfinished sentences (as modified by O.A. Gulevich) |
Before |
2,04±0,806 |
−0,768 |
> 0,05 |
2,22±0,808 |
2,644 |
< 0,05 |
−1,424 |
> 0,05 |
After |
2,17±0,868 |
1,56±0,639 |
−2,506 |
< 0,05 |
Methods for studying professional identity (MIPI) L.B. Schneider |
Before |
3,33±1,239 |
−0,500 |
> 0,05 |
1,50±0,857 |
−2,566 |
< 0,05 |
−1,275 |
> 0,05 |
After |
3,50±1,445 |
2,67±0,907 |
−2,455 |
< 0,05 |
Questionnaire |
Before |
15,63±3,118 |
1,195 |
> 0,05 |
16,33±2,657 |
−2,452 |
< 0,05 |
1,982 |
> 0,05 |
After |
15,92±3,586 |
18,50±3,240 |
−3,186 |
< 0,01 |
Questionnaire |
Before |
6,38±,970 |
0,674 |
>0,05 |
6,22±1,166 |
−3,681 |
<0,01 |
−0,123 |
>0,05 |
After |
6,17±1,007 |
7,69±0,979 |
−3,557 |
<0,01 |
- According to the methodology of the professionally legitimate personality orientation (PPNL) of the authors T.G. Khashchenko and M.M. Shpak no significant changes were noted. Despite this, some quotative changes are present. On the primary assessment, the number of subjects with an average level of professionally legitimate personality orientation in the control group was 20%, and in the experimental group — 10%. The high level in the control group was 78%, and in the experimental one — 88%.
- To identify the relationship between the level of professional identity and the level of formation of legal awareness, a correlation analysis was carried out (calculation of the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient for the experimental group). For this, the levels of formation of professional identity and levels of formation of legal awareness were identified:
Future Perspectivescons
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