Bulletin of practical psychology of education Call for Papers


Bulletin of practical psychology of education invite proposals for the following special issue of in 2019:

Issue 2 (June). Topic: Interdepartmental cooperation in the conditions of application of professional standards of education and social workers.

The issue will be devoted to the problems of interdepartmental cooperation in the practice of providing psychological, social and educational services, discussing the experience of the regions in the field of organizing the application of professional standards of education and social workers.

Bulletin of Practical Psychology of Education is a practice-oriented journal for psychologists and other specialists of the education system, whose professional activities imply high psychological competence.

Bulletin of Practical Psychology of Education is an open access journal. All content is available for non-commercial purposes.

Bulletin of Practical Psychology of Education is indexed in Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).

 Bulletin of Practical Psychology of Education  accepts manuscripts in Russian and in English.

We do not charge any submission or publication fees.

Author Guide:  https://psyjournals.ru/info/homestyle_guide/index.shtml

To submit your paper please contact us: vestnik-psy@mgppu.ru

Website : https://psyjournals.ru/vestnik_psyobr/

Publication frequency: 4 issues per year

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