Journal Modelling and Data Analysis (Russia) Call for Papers in 2020


The scientific journal Modelling and data analysis (Russia) invites researchers and practitioners working in the field of mathematical modeling researches, as well as implementing discovered fundamental principles in software development to submit papers in journals issues 2020 year.

The journal is registered in the Russian Science Citation Index (see Publication in RSCI) and regularly provides information about the articles published in this index.
The journal generating considerable scientific and practical interest for broad range of specialists in data applied math and computer science.

The editorial of the journal welcome submissions by both Russian-speaking and English-speaking authors on following topics:

  •         Mathematical Modelling
  •         Data Analysis
  •         Optimization Methods
  •         Software
  •         Teaching Methodology

Any other paper topics are also kindly welcome for submission.

Accepts manuscripts in Russian and in English.

Submission deadline for №2-2020 is - 1 April 2020.

Submission deadline for №3-2020 is - 1 July 2020.

Submission deadline for №4-2020 is - 1 November 2020.

Guideline for authors and submission process can be found on the page

To submit your paper please contact by the e-mail:

Journal publications are free of charge. All issues are free access online at Russian Psuchological issues

Website :
Publication frequency: 4 issues per year
ISSN (printed version): 2219-3758
ISSN (online): 2311-9454

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