The Journal "Social Psychology and Society" Calls for Papers in 2022

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The editorial board of the journal "Social Psychology and Society" calls for papers for issues in 2022. Authors are welcome to submit their manuscripts of theoretical, empirical, applied character as well manuscripts on methodology and methods of social-psychological research.


№ 2. Culture and Social Psychology – the deadline for submitting a manuscript is April, 1st, 2022.

№ 3. Methodology and Social-Psychological Research Methods: Current Tendencies – the deadline for submitting a manuscript is June, 1st, 2022.

№ 4. Gender Methodology in Social-Psychological Research – the deadline for submitting a manuscript is September, 1st, 2022.

The journal "Social Psychology and Society" is published quarterly. The journal is included in Web of Science СС (ESCI), Scopus, DOAJ, and also recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation as a peer-reviewed scientific publication in which the main scientific results of dissertations for scientific degrees can be published.

You are welcome to apply your manuscripts in Russian and English (for foreign authors).

Requirements for publication and reviewing procedure are available in section "For authors".

Manuscripts shall be uploaded through the service of the MSUPE Online Publishing System

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