On Self-determination, Psychological Education and Folk Games in the Journal "Psychological-Educational Studies"

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In December 2021, the last issue of the journal "Psychological-Educational Studies" (No. 4-2021) was published. The issue contains two traditional columns – "Psychology of Development" and "Psychology of Education".

The first column informs about the results of the development of the methodology " Motivation for the Adoption of an Orphan Child by a Foster Family"; axiological and methodological analysis of folk games; peculiarities of self-determination of high school students and relationship of personality traits and alienation among students with disabilities.

The column "Psychology of Education" informs about ​​psychological enlightenment as an educational resource of the modern education system, approaches to identify typical mistakes of primary schoolchildren in the development of natural science concepts; prevention of aggressive behavior in an educational organization; the influence of didactic VR-programs on the educational motivation of students and ways of correcting psychological defenses and anxiety of students with the help of such programs. The column presents the analysis of the evidence-based approach in education and methodological problems of the evidence-based description of psychological and social practices.

Full issue of the journal is available on the portal of psychological publications PsyJournals.ru

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